
About Common Service Centre (CSCs)

CSCs are an integral part of Digital India programme. They are the access point for the delivery of digital services to villages and rural areas across the country towards fulfilling the Government’s mandate of a digitally and financially inclusive society. CSCs also deliver a range of social welfare schemes, financial services, education and skill development courses, healthcare digital literacy among others

About The Project

The welfare schemes and programmes of the government of India is focussed not only on sustenance but more importantly inclusive. This is to ensure that the fruits of development is enjoyed by all and the vulnerable sections of the society are uplifted. Over the years, the Indian government has introduced several schemes that have not only helped Indian citizens improve their financial situations, but have also contributed to the country’s economy. The role of civil society organisations, corporate houses, agencies and institutions are imperative in advancing inclusive development and shaping India’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The course will cover the precautions which need to be taken by every internet user, reporting of any incident of the cyber-attack, cyber bully, stealing of the data and loss of business / reputation. She will be trained about the existing laws and the framework available to every citizen to protect them from such cyber incidents.


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